Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Press Release

December 11, 2007

Citizens Urge City to Modernize Percent for Public Art

ATLANTA – Thirty years have passed since the inception of the public art ordinance. The ordinance was adopted to reserve 1.5 percent of capitol improvement budgets for public art, however enforcement of the ordinance is irregular and unaccountable based on findings in the 2006 Baseline Allocation for Public Art Report. Without a sustainable program in place, our public spaces have lost millions of dollars in cultural value, and residents have missed opportunities for public performance and education. Citizens who value public art recognize that now is the time for change.

The collective voice, Atlanta Percent for Art, emerged from mutual interest in public art and began a campaign to support the percent for art ordinance. The collective includes, but is not limited to, art organizations, artists, architects, and business owners. We are speaking out today because as Atlanta grows, there is opportunity to raise Atlanta’s status as a cultural capitol, and create a model for a progressive public art program. Atlanta Percent for Art’s campaign identifies the need for a collaborative modernization of the public art ordinance.

Atlanta Percent for Art encourages the City of Atlanta to engage in dynamic advocacy and constructive negotiations to reach a mutually acceptable settlement regarding the current percent for art ordinance and its related procedures. As citizens, we believe that the ordinance falls short of its potential from a lack of clarity in definition and accountability of capturing funds. These shortfalls prevent the public art department from developing a robust public art program that the public is demanding.

Public art is important because it invites participants to explore the world we live in. Often challenging issues can be brought into the open and expand an individual’s perception of their history, place, and culture. In other instances, public art is an opportunity for discovery, stimulation and relaxation. Public art has benefits not only to the individual experience but also the community at large. Research shows that providing opportunities for experiencing art offers a higher quality of living for residents and is attractive to business and tourism.

The goal of Atlanta Percent for Art is to establish a sustainable strategy for the growth and development of our cultural landscape through public art.

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